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Tre olika bilder av tre olika ämneslektioner: Geografi, Bild, Drama

Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet Södermalm

Allhelgonagatan 4

Visa på karta

IEGS is located in Södermalm in Stockholm. The school has a strong academic and multicultural tradition and is committed to helping you develop to your full potential. We have four Swedish national programmes and the IB programme.

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  • Toalett med plats för eldriven rullstol
  • Entré och entréhall för rullstolsburen
  • Parkering för dig med nedsatt rörelseförmåga
  • Tillgänglig hiss
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About the School

All programmes offered at the school qualify you for university studies in Sweden or abroad. Internationella Engelska Gymnasiet (IEGS) believes that every student has the capacity to develop intellectually, morally and personally.

The pedagogy at IEGS is based on a work ethic where involvement comes through hard work, commitment, dedication and creativity.

At its heart IEGS is motivated by a mission to create a better world through education, develop young people who are reflective learners, courageous thinkers and curious about the world around us and prepare students for the world of today as well as tomorrow.

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